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What You Should Know About CPAP Machines

Learn about what CPAP machines do, the pros and cons of using them, and more.

What is a CPAP Machine?

A CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) machine helps people with sleep apnoea breathe more easily and regularly every night while they are sleeping. A CPAP machine increases the air pressure in your throat to prevent your airway from collapsing when you inhale and decreases snoring. Using a CPAP device involves wearing a pressurized mask over your nose while you sleep. It’s important that you use the device as directed. If your mask is uncomfortable or the pressure feels too strong,
talk with your doctor so that adjustments can be made.

What are the Benefits of Using a CPAP Device?

A CPAP machine is the most effective and popular nonsurgical treatment for sleep apnoea. With use over time, it will:

What are the Side Effects of Using a CPAP Machine?

If you do not properly clean your CPAP equipment, mold, bacteria, and germs can grow, which may cause illness. It can also take time to feel comfortable sleeping with a mask on your face. Using a CPAP machine can potentially lead to:

  • dry nose and sore throat
  • increased dreaming and nightmares
  • nasal congestion
  • sneezing
  • abdominal bloating
  • irritation of the skin and eyes

What If I Don't Treat my Sleep Apnoea?

The side effects of using a CPAP machine may sound daunting. However, if you don’t treat sleep apnoea, the condition can have
serious complications, including:

  • high blood pressure
  • stroke
  • heart disease
  • diabetes
  • depression
  • car accidents due to drowsy driving
Because of the many pros and cons associated with CPAP machines, it is recommended that you speak with your doctor before making a final decision.

Is There Anything I can do to Eradicate Some of the Side Effects from Using a CPAP?

Using a humidifier can help alleviate drySoclean CPAP Sanitizer Cleaner nose and sore throat, while making sure you regularly clean your CPAP device will help prevent any illnesses from bacteria, mold, and germs growing in your machine. To make it easier, you can let SoClean do the work. SoClean is an automated CPAP sanitising unit that uses activated oxygen to disinfect your CPAP reservoir, hose, and mask. This means there is no soap and water involved, no drying time, and no need to disassemble your CPAP machine. To learn more about SoClean and its benefits, click here.

Sources:, Mayo Clinic, Sleep Education