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Sleep Reversing: Fall Asleep Quickly and Sleep More Deeply With Insomnia-Beating Techniques

Experiencing an occasional restless night isn't unusual, but if you often can't fall or stay asleep, you may have insomnia1. This is a common sleep disorder that leaves you feeling tired and irritable throughout the day. Sleep, especially REM sleep2, is when your body and brain make repairs. During this time, you rest so that you wake up feeling energized, which is why good quality sleep is essential for physical3 and mental health4. Ongoing struggles with falling and staying asleep may result in decreased wellness, but there are ways to treat insomnia and get the deep rest you need.

Why Am I Having Trouble Falling Asleep?

Insomnia has several causes5. High stress levels may make it difficult to turn off your thoughts at night. Perhaps a demanding work schedule interrupts your attempts at consistent sleep. Certain medications, mental health disorders like anxiety, or physical health problems like pain, cancer and heart disease can also have a detrimental effect on sleep quality and quantity.

Nutrition plays a big role6 in how you sleep. Consuming caffeine, alcohol, spicy foods or high-fat and high-protein foods might make sleep difficult or contribute to heartburn and digestion issues that keep you awake. Avoid potentially disruptive foods close to bedtime, particularly caffeine that can last for six or more hours.

Another factor that impacts sleep is exercise7. Regular physical activity is great for improving your mood and tiring your body so you don't have pent-up energy keeping you awake. However, the increase in endorphins and body temperature may make it harder to fall asleep, so try to exercise earlier in the day. Avoid exercise the hour before bedtime to give yourself time to wind down.

Traditional Ways to Combat Insomnia

Practicing good sleep hygiene8 is one of the best ways to treat insomnia. This includes setting a regular bedtime, developing a soothing wind-down routine before bed and making your room comfortable with cozy bedding and temperature control. Eliminating noise and light, including electronics, also helps.

Other effective sleep aids include relaxation techniques10 that help you decrease stress and calm your thoughts. Try breathing exercises or a progressive muscle relaxation meditation. Body scan meditations, self-hypnosis and visualizations may also ease insomnia. Using tools like popular sleep apps11 is another excellent way to improve sleep quality. If you struggle with calming your mind before bed, cognitive behavioral therapy9 (CBT) can assist with overcoming worry, poor habits and other challenges.

The Sleep Reversing Trend: Can It Help Me Drift Off Faster?

If you have ongoing insomnia you might want to try the 2025 trend of sleep reversing12. Efforts to force yourself to relax often don't work. The longer you lie in bed trying to will yourself to sleep, the more elusive sleep becomes. Instead, try lying in bed and doing your best to stay awake.

This paradoxical intention13 of sleep reversing removes performance anxiety14. Sleep is an involuntary action, so when you try to force it, your efforts often backfire. Paradoxical intention stems from CBT and emphasizes helpful reverse psychology methods that remove the pressure of trying to fall asleep, allowing you to let go of stress keeping you awake. Sleep reversing is increasing in popularity because it's effective, non-invasive and side-effect free.

Try sleep reversing for yourself. Wait until you feel sleepy to head to bed, then lie down with your eyes open as you focus on staying awake. Keep it simple and stay consistent until you achieve results.


  1. Mayo Clinic – Insomnia
  2. UCI Health – Why we need REM sleep for health
  3. Sleep Foundation – Physical Health and Sleep: How are They Connected?
  4. Sleep Foundation – Mental Health and Sleep
  5. Medline Plus – Sleep Disorders
  6. National Sleep Foundation – The Link Between Nutrition and Sleep
  7. Johns Hopkins Medicine – Exercising for Better Sleep
  8. SoClean – Everything You Need to Know About Sleep Hygiene
  9. SoClean – Insomnia: Have You Tried Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT-1)?
  10. Sleep Foundation – Can't Sleep? 8 Techniques You Can Do
  11. SoClean – Top Sleep Apps for Improving Your Zzzs
  12. Sleep Review – 4 Sleep Trend Predictions for 2025
  13. Somnology – Why Trying Too Hard to Sleep Can Keep You Awake – and How to Fix It
  14. Forbes – How to Beat Sleeplessness With ‘Paradoxical Intention'